
Steam is a way you can download and buy games! You can friend others, see what they’re dong, and play with them on multiplayer games. It is a fun experience as well. The more you use steam, play games, and get achievements, the more your steam level will be. Your Steam level determines how long and good you are with games, or you can use it to determine how long they probably played. Sometimes, in certain events, some games are on sale! Steam Summer sale, and the Steam Winter sale are examples of these events. You can save up to ____% on certain games. Also, steam is better than Xbox or PlayStation because get this, you don’t have to PAY just to use the internet. Xbox has Xbox gold, where you have to pay 15$ a month, 30$ for 3 months, or 60$’s a year, and PlayStation is basically the same story as well with PlayStation. But with Steam, you can just use the internet (that you use and pay for), without having to pay extra money for no reason. Steam also has has Call Of Duty, Watchdogs, The Escapists, and much more! So yeah, if you are to busy deciding between Xbox or PlayStation, just download Steam, which doesn’t cost any money (except for buying games of course). Also fun fact, Steam had 4K a long time before Xbox decided to get 4K on their platform.

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